Mid-week Kick in the Butt Writing Boost

“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”
– Harley Davidson
The Mid-Week Kick in the Pants Writing Boost takes place every Wednesday night from 7-8:15 PM Pacific Standard Time.
This is a FREE weekly event and all are welcome.
This group is designed to prove that writing does not have to be relegated to the weekends! It's a way to assure that at least once during the week you sit down, pick up a pen or open a blank page and practice writing in an encouraging, affirming environment.
During our roughly 1 hour and 15 minutes we will:
Write to 2-3 prompts, break out in to rooms to read our just-written work aloud and briefly respond to each other's work, and then sign off feeling inspired and eager to keep the work flowing. Response to work is given using the positive, artist-affirming Amherst Writers & Artists method.
One-ish hour, a couple prompts, feedback, done! Just a little kick in the pants.
Join this writing boost by emailing CherylMurfin@gmail.com by clicking here: Mid-Week Kick in the Pants Writing Boost