Let's get you writing!
Easy prompt generators
From the UK's WritingExercises.co. The aim of these writing prompts is to spark off a short story. When you click the button, a random first line for a story will be generated.
Thinkwritten.com knows that the best way to get better at writing is to do it every day. Here they offer a prompt for every day of the year.
Poets & Writers wants to help you find the idea you are looking for. Check out this generator and all the incredible information available at this longtime writing community.

Get a trigger (a prompt) or join a community of writers by posting your response to a prompt. New triggers go up every 6 hours! Typtrigger.com's promise: "Four times a day,
we help you get the words out."
At a loss for how to jump into a short or long fiction piece? Servicescapes has already done some legwork for you. Let these ideas simmer and see where they take you.
At A Picture, A Story Pictures are the prompt for 10 minutes of writing on this great site. Check it out!